Our Airgineers Can Help You Select The Right Product!
Contact UsCompressed air is required in healthcare facilities to operate:
Few process control applications are as critical as installing and maintaining the systems that deliver vital, life-sustaining medical air to hospital patients. Moisture (Condensation or water vapour) in the Compressed air stream leads to valve clogging, operation failure, equipment malfunction, and corrosion, thereby increasing downtime and the maintenance cost of Pneumatic controls. Moisture-laden Compressed Air also leads to problems like clogging of neonatal ventilators and seizing of surgical drills.
Dry, quality compressed air is an absolute must for healthcare applications.
The only positive means of moisture removal from the compressed air stream is the installation of an air dryer. Water vapour can be economically removed by two methods: cooling the air and adsorption.
Delair offers a wide range of both refrigeration dryers and adsorption dryers for all your needs.
For general plant and instrumentation air where the requirement is between 3°C PDP and 6°C PDP, Delair refrigeration dryers – FDI Series do the job.
If the application requires extra dry air and PDP below 2°C, Delair adsorption Dryers—DC Series and engineered systems are relevant.
Our Airgineers Can Help You Select The Right Product!
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